Wearable Stories by Raven
Outsider Art Gallery
21 March 24 - 27 April 24
Raven flies as a messenger between different worlds and thus shares the stories of people who are often talked about, but who are given little space to express themselves. Raven works with patients, clients and delinquents.
Raven’s first project is Wearable Stories; a unique initiative in which underexposed stories of young people come to life in a special way. In ‘Wearable Stories’ the stories of young people from healthcare institutions (including Cordaan, Elker Jeudghulp en Onderwijs and various Juvenile Juvenile Institutions) play the leading role. The jackets from the Amsterdam fashion label Bonne Suits are the canvas for the unique limited edition jackets, each with its own story. Wearable Stories is a national project by Collectief Raven that was first shown during the Jonge Harten Festival in 2023. After the exhibition in the Outsider Art Gallery, the stories will be shown during State of Fashion within the Fashion + Design Festival Arnhem.