Summer Queens
Outsider Art Gallery
12:00 - 17:00 hrs
03 August 22 - 02 October 22
This summer, Outsider Art Galerie sheds light on the theme of femininity with the group exhibition Summer Queens, which only shows work by female (or people who identify as female) artists.
What does it mean to be a woman and what images, stories and symbolism do they use in their art?
Queens, fairytale princesses and divas, portraits of mothers, daughters, famous and unknown women, dreamed lives and fluid identities are just a few subjects that are discussed.
Also: Mirjam Peters recorded the course of her manic depression in pregnant drawings and paintings, Fatma Temiz gives a new meaning to vintage tableware with the help of transfers of her refined drawings and Irina Volova made a majestic portrait of the crown princess and Amsterdam student Amalia.
With Mirjam Peters, Fatma Temiz, Irina Volova, Esrah van Rooij, Tirza de Wild, Froukje Klickermann, Naomi Schupper, Frederique Kok, Lisanne Meijer, Jescika van Overveld, Tara Ruijl, Angelique Gijsbertse and Siobhan Wall.