Esrah van Rooij
Esrah van Rooij has been working as an artist for a number of years. She has developed her own style and color palette. She effectively paints the things she is interested in; mostly characters from the comic, film and media world. In 2015/2016 she participated in an international video project with organizations from Brighton (UK) and Cork (Irl). She then made the very personal film 'My feelings'. She is also affiliated with Theater LeBelle van Cordaan and has participated in various performances.

2022 Outsider Art Galerie | Summer Queens
2022 Art Brut Biennale Hengelo
2021 Outsider Art Museum | Democracy met Duran Lantink (Outsiderwear Festival)
2020 Outsider Art Galerie | Het gewone is bijzonder
2019 Museum Rijswijk | workshoppresentatie bij 'Primal Nature' van Marielle van den Bergh
2019 Outsider Art Galerie | I must be a mermaid
2018 Outsider Art Galerie | Oog voor anders
2018 Outsider Art Galerie | Geïnspireerd door de Hollandse Meesters / Inspired by the Dutch Masters
2017 Sociale Verzekeringsbank Amstelveen
2016 Onca Gallery | Multimedia event | Brighton (UK) -
NRC magazine, september 2021
Het gewone is bijzonder, Outsider Art Galerie, 2020 -
2019 design for merchandise Theater LeBelle 2019 painting for taxi company Munckhof 2016 painting for bookcover Ciel Bleu, Okura Hotel, Amsterdam