Hans Schimmel-*pennink
Amsterdam, 1955
Hans Schimmelpennink taught himself how to paint. He paints directly with acrylic paint on paper or canvas. He consistently paints images that he finds in art encyclopedias. He is particularly interested in the old masters. Hans usually starts in one corner of the paper or canvas and works on his painting calmly till it is finished.

2020 Outsider Art Galerie | Het Gewone is Bijzonder | group show
2019 Museum Rijswijk | Workshoppresentatie Marielle van den Bergh
2018 Outsider Art Galerie | Inspired by the Dutch Masters | group show
2017 Sociale Verzekeringsbank Amstelveen | groupshow -
Het gewone is bijzonder, Outsider Art Galerie, 2020
2018 Max Amman collection
2016 Book cover Guestronomy Ciel Bleu